Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Site Launch for Local Pottery

I'm so grateful that I have clients that trust me and actually pay me to make beautiful images and designs for them. When I get to make this beauty with Paul, it's even better. Lisa Howard of Local Pottery is one of those clients. The new Local Pottery website, a collaboration between Paul Clancy, Peter Nassoit and myself, can be seen by going here. The launch coincides with the sale of the year for Local Pottery. An amazing open studio event with handmade gifts you shouldn't miss if you're in the Boston Area. You can go here to get the scoop on hours, etc. Below are the images from the shoot we did just last night for the home page, which changes seasonally. Just the right combination of an outdoor fire, a two hundred year old wrap my friend John Hegnauer gave me, an indigo tea bowl and the last 45 minutes of sunlight that was magic.

Monday, November 18, 2013

For Wallace and Levi

Luigi Prina: The Ships That Sail Through The Clouds
A lovely story from Blinking City via my friend Lasse Antonsen.
Be sure and follow the link to the video.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Great Book for Beginner and Seasoned Artists

My friend, Deborah Forman really knows how to teach artists. Years ago, she was my daughter's art teacher and helped get Brin ready to apply to art school. I was on the search committee to find a teacher for the Westport high school and when Deborah came in and showed a few lesson plans it was hard not to jump out of our chairs and scream YES! She's recently written a book called Paint Lab which is a collection of 52 exercises based on practicing artists work, materials and techniques. The lessons are short and manageable for a quick change of approach but have depth enough to carry you far in another direction if you're so inclined. It's a great book for new or experienced artists and the book includes exercises based on the work of Paul Klee, Helen Frankenthaler, Gerhard Richter, Frida Kahlo, Tom Sgouros, Neal T Walsh and I'm honored to say, Alyn Carlson. It's published by the same folks that are publishing my hat book, Quarry Press and my fabulous editor, Mary Ann Hall edited it. Check it out on Amazon, here.

Quarry also publishes a series of these books for children.

Each exercise takes up only one spread.

Deb used my Landscape No. 23 as her back cover art.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013

Huge Breathe Coming Through The Heart

I finally got back into the painting studio this past week after a few weeks dedicated to the sale of my work. It felt so good, like a gorgeous blue sigh. This is what I painted. I do love you blue. Each and every one of you blues. 
My friend Claudia came up with a brilliant description for this one-
"like a huge breathe coming through the heart"

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nice Wired Magazine Article about Alex's Latest

Alex Chen, my son-law, has made another thing of beauty to delight the eyes and ears. He's created an animated visual representation of the Beach Boy's You Still Believe In Me. Alex transcribed the harmonies note for note, and then wrote the code to render as it played. He got the idea from church bells. Just like the size of a bell corresponds to the pitch of the note it produces, Alex took circles to represent each note in the song. Cool thing is, the Beach Boy's song was inspired by a church choir. You can read the write up here at Wired and experience Alex's art here. I could watch and listen to this one for a whole afternoon.

Friday, August 9, 2013

4 Sisters Photographed For Almost 40 Years

In 1975, Nicolas Nixon, a professor of  photography at Mass Art, photographed his wife and her three sisters. They have continued the tradition for 36 years. When people are captured without a forced smile we get to see so much more. I love seeing the body language that shows the obvious affection these sisters have for each other through the years. For more photos and story you can go to So Bad So Good. The whole portrait collection is available in the book, Nicholas Nixon: The Brown Sisters. Thirty-Three Years.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rainbow House in a Very Good Spot

I love this house which is very well placed across the street from Westboro Baptist Church. From Amy of Amy's Organics.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Letting You in on a Little Secret

This past weekend, my open studio with South Coast Artists Tour was a wonderful experience. So many old and new friends stopped by. I sold 25 paintings and connected with many artists I greatly respect. One of my favorite moments was when a young woman bought two pieces and with a grin announced they were her first art acquisition. It was nice moments like that, that made it all worthwhile. 
Letting you in on a secret, sometimes I miss the applause and the audience presence from when I was performing in the theater. It's not why we make art but affirmation is a nice back rub after all the heavy lifting. This felt like the visual artist's version of it. I feel more connected to the folks who enjoy my art and this will be a annual event for me. Thanks for all the support!

With Paul's help the barn was transformed into a cozy gallery.
Photo by Paul Clancy

Photo by Paul Clancy

Photo by Paul Clancy

Friday, July 19, 2013

Open for Biz

Everything is almost hung in my wee barn for the South Coast Open Studio Tour happening this weekend, July 20-21. Take the beautiful drive, come by and meet my paintings, and support some local artists. I'll have a fun art making station for kids. You can stand by my fan and sip a cold drink while you make up your mind on an art acquisition. Southcoast Artists Open Studio Tour info here. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Landscapes for Saturday Sale

It recently occurred to me that most of the work I'll have at my sale this weekend has never been in a show or even hung on a wall together. It will be a reunion of colors that came to me, I played with for awhile and then packed away. When I finish a body of work, I like putting it away in a dry place to cure. Sometimes months and months go by before I see them again. And this weekend it feels like I'm sharing a year (almost two years) of colors that have been my imaginary friends. Come by and meet them. July 20-21 Southcoast Artist Open Studio Tour. 579 Old County Rd, Westport, MA. 02790 Kids and their imaginary friends are welcome too.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Makes Me Paint Today

I find that observing rather than recording what I see works much better for me when I paint. What's on my daily observation list today? I get lost in the water in the shower, rain coming off the roof, puddling in the driveway, little gems on the spider web and the river a walk away, as it goes back and forth to the ocean. Here's some work that's come out of past observations. Some of this will be available as prints at my sale on July 20-21.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Little Barn Show is Coming Along

Big Show in the Little Barn July 20+21
579 Old County Rd, Westport MA
I'm part of the South Coast Artists Open Studio Tour this year, the weekend of July 20+21. The 10th year it's been around, there are over 50 artists from Dartmouth, Little Compton, Tiverton and Westport participating. Many of the artists have works in progress to see or demos to participate in. You can download a brochure, complete with map, here. I'm converting our little barn into a gallery and will have work ranging from $30 to $1,200 in all the mediums I work in. Watercolor, oils and digital prints will be available to take a look at and purchase. I've got a lot to do in the next week and a half and will feed you bits of progress as it comes together. This will be a kid friendly event so bring the whole family.

2' x 2' Poppyseed oil on birch plywood.
Landscape No. 10,  2012   Photo by Eric Gould
2' x 2' Poppyseed oil on birch plywood.
Landscape No.5, 2012  Photo by Eric Gould
2' x 2' Poppyseed oil on birch plywood.
Landscape No.23, 2012  Photo by Eric Gould

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Moonlight White Garden Dreams

One of my favorites, Moonflower.
Just planted some around our little barn door.
Photo courtesy of blogger jonesgarden
My dad, loves to garden and landscape. As a child, I spent many Saturdays planting trees, making terraces, and scavenging for special garden stones with him. He once told me it takes 5 years to make a yard your own. Having 30 years in my last yard, I knew every cup of soil in each bed. Each plant was my choice, give or take a few. This new place has a wonderful wild quality to it. But when I start to weed and yank and plant, it feels like an overwhelming jungle. I have to keep reminding myself to enjoy the planning and dreaming part of the process. I've asked my friend Katherine Tracey at Avant Gardens to help me plan the perfect all white garden that will be beautiful in moonlight. Fragrance is important to me too. While I work on getting my jungled tamed, visiting her exquisite nursery in Dartmouth will get me through. All these plants can be found on her website here. If you are interested in white, pink, blue, yellow or whatever color, there's a search on her site to guide you. Remember they specialize in the rare and uncommon. You won't be finding what they sell at Home Depot.

One of the prettiest gardens I've ever enjoyed.
Paul and I shot it for Avant Gardens last summer.
Photos courtesy of Paul Clancy Photography

Just a few of the white beauties Katherine suggested 
for my dream garden. You can find all of these at Avant Gardens
From top left, Helleborus Joseph Leper, Nicotiana, 
Oakleaf Hydrangeas Snowflake, Oxalis White Pillow, 
Echinacea Milkshake,Asteromoea Mongolica, 
Helleborus Niger, and Stewartia