Friday, April 26, 2013

Light That Makes Me Leap

Once in awhile I have insomnia and getting out of bed in the morning can be a challenge. But all Paul has to do is put one of his amazing cups of coffee near my nose and say "the light in the dining room is beautiful right now". I leap. This past weekend I made curtains for the first time in (30) years and linen was half price so we have a few new tablecloths, too. Don't be too impressed. I just stitched around the edges, washed them and let them fray. I found this DIY at TwoTwentyTwo helpful for curtains. I love that her mom came for the weekend to help. I called my mom while I was finishing mine, because the last time "I" made curtains she came for the day to help. She was happy I could finally whip up a few on my own.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Feather In My Cap

I love the Curatorium on Wickenden in Providence. Owned (and curated) by industrial designer, Matt Bird, the store and Matt are always a delight, a surprise and inspiration. It is very difficult to leave his store empty handed. There is something there for E V E R Y ONE. I'm working on a few cloth hats for two spring weddings and these parrot feathers might be what I build them around. Naturally shed, (please, please birdies drop a few more) they raise money for the New England Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary. He doesn't always carry them and they go fast. I also thought you would like to see the work of Olympia Washington artist, Chris Maynard. Hmmmm I wonder what one of his feathers would look like in a hat?

Did I mention they are reversible?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mighty Lighty

After comparing our lists for most important features in the new place Paul and I found light being top priority for both of us. Having gone from twenty five foot ceilings to some I can touch on tippy toes, lighting has been a challenge. In a small, short place, every bulb has to work hard. Lower placement, paint with high luminosity, and as many reflective surfaces nearby seems to be where we are finding balance.

Livingroom has a long way to go before we are truly living in it.

The flex light. So fun from
We had our heart set on this for somewhere in the house.
It's a kit by Logan Hendrickson, taking off on the
classic Potence style design. Pretty affordable in comparison.
I found this on Remodilista. Might be too eensy.
From my peeps in Scandinavia. Found here.
They know about making the most of the little light they have.
Wonderful reflections with only direct light. Found on Stylefiles.