I'm not fond of apologies from bloggers concerning their lack of posts, but I will say I've had a few good excuses this fall for being quiet. Some travel, lots of design work, putting the house on the market, and looking for a new place with the purging and packing associated with a house sale, has left me little time for much else. But I would shrivel up and die if I didn't sit in front of color once a week. I've become a Sunday painter and have just finished 20 paintings to launch in the world. Thank you Charvin paints for providing me with my drug(s) of choice; Celadon Green Deep, Pouzzoles Red, Intense Lemon Yellow, Opaline Green, French Blue Violet, Julia Pink, Provence Blue, Light Linen, Deep Shell, and Diamond Orange. You make me so high it lasts half way through Tuesday. To see all the newbies you can hop over to my flickr page, here.