Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Josef Frank's Use of Pink

Josf Frank, Austrian/Swedish architect and uber designer, created over 200 fabric patterns between 1909 and 1950. He moved easily in many directions of design- furniture, lighting, textiles. His designs offered a contrast to the linear, grid-like restrictions of his contemporaries. "Every human needs a certain degree of sentimentality to feel free," Frank said... "Away with the universal styles, away with the equalization of industry and art....The home does not have to be planned out in detail, just put together by pieces its inhabitants love." Tuesday, March 16, 2010, I love how he knows how to use just enough pink.


  1. Very beautiful. Particularly stunning on the black.

  2. I have an old book of Wiener Werkstatte wrapping paper, bought in Buenos Aires of all places, that I treasure.
    Twentieth-century modernism was happening elsewhere as well but there is something special about the designs that came out of Vienna. Modern but with a handcrafted sensibility.
